Thursday, October 8, 2009

100 Day Challenge-Workout #2

Need help with accountabilty or getting motivated to start a fat loss and fitness program. Let us help you. Sign up for your FREE, no obligation, no risk test drive of a Synergize! small-group training session. What do you have to lose-except for maybe a few pounds;) Visit to sign up,but there are only 3 spaces remaining!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Synergize! 100 Day Challenge: Workout #1

There are less than 100 days left in 2009. Have you achieved the goals you made for yourself in 2009?

If not,join the FREE Synergize! 100 Day Challenge and get those goals DONE! You'll be amazed at what you can do in 100 days!

Need help with accountabilty or getting motivates to start a fat loss andfitness program. Let us help you. Sign up for your FREE, no obligation, no risk test drive of a Synergize! small-group training session. Whatdo you have to lose-except for maybe a fewpounds;) Visit to sign up,but there are only 5 spaces remaining

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

3 Best Exercises For A Flat Tummy

Part 1

Part 2

Join the Synergize Bootcamp-A-Thon. Unlimited bootcamp classes for you and a friend from August 3-August 28th, for just $100 bucks!

Go HERE to register

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sonia Tigero: From Size XXX to Size 12?

Sonia Tigero: From Size XXX to Size 12?

Inspiring story huh?

If you're ready to be our next success story and
not only change your body, but change your life
then Click HERE to schedule a FREE, no obligation consultation
with your truly.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain-excpet pounds of course;)

Committed to your health and fitness success,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And the Winners of the Hollywood Best Body Challenge Are...

This past weekend we concluded the first Hollywood Best Body 12-week Challnge. To say the least, it was quite a success! Those participants who completed the 12-weeks and were consistent with the program received exceptional results as documented below. Check out just a few of the 12-week before and after pics below, two of which include the 1st place and 2nd place winners.

Our next Hollywood Best Body Challenge begins this Saturday, July 18th. So if you would like a chance to participate in the next 12-week Challenge and receive similar (or even better) results visit Now! There are 11 spots available

The grand prize winner Chantal Furhman, 19 years old, received a crusier Bike from Lee's Bike Shop, a makeover from Hair Industry, and a $100 gift certificate from Hollywood Eyes

Chantal Fuhrman, Best Body Challenge Grand Prize Winner


After 12-Weeks

Sue Carlozzi, 2nd Prize Winner

Sue Carlozzi After 12-weeks

Michael Carlozzi Before

Michael Carlozzi After 12-Weeks

Gary Postler Before

Gary Postler After 12-weeks

Barbara Dolan-Before

Barbara Dolan-After the 12-Week Challenge

Now, if you're thinking 'these transformations don't look like the ones I see in the magazines', its because these are REAL life transformation and not camera enhanced 'hype' trying to get you to purchase the next 'magic pill'.

Are you ready to become our next success story?

Visit and claim one of the 11 remaining spots. I'll see you Saturday!

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. once you regsiter by downloading the 12-week guide you will receive an email with details about the 12-week challenge.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Message To All Fathers

As you probably already know this Sunday, June 21st is Father’s Day, a time to celebrate the contributions and sacrifices made by our fathers.

I am very fortunate to have a healthy, and SUPERfit dad to celebrate this special day with (that's us below), however I have many friends and family member who are now as fortunate, as they have lost their fathers to heart attackes, strokes, and diseases of the like.

Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but someone has to say something already.

Our father’s are now in the worst shape of their lives, many suffering from a very dangerous and life threatening condition called Metabolic Syndrome X.

One of the main indicators of someone who has metabolic disorder is abdominal obesity, as clearly demonstrated in the picture above. The scary part is that many of our father’s look just like this man!

The main features of metabolic syndrome include insulin resistance, hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol abnormalities, and an increased risk for clotting. Patients are most often overweight or obese.

How is metabolic syndrome defined?

The definition of metabolic syndrome depends on who is doing the defining, but based on the guidelines from the 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III), any three of the following traits in the same individual meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome:

1. Abdominal obesity: a waist circumference over 102 cm (40 in) in men and over 88 cm (35 inches) in women.

2. Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl or above.

3. HDL cholesterol 40mg/dl or lower in men and 50mg/dl or lower in women.

4. Blood pressure of 130/85 or more.

5. Fasting blood glucose of 110 mg/dl or above. (Some groups say 100mg/dl)

Although Metabolic Syndrome does affects= more women than men, there is certainly no shortage of men 40 years and older who have that “deadly beer gut” that literally makes them a ticking time bomb for a slew of serious medical conditions.

But there is good news amongst this frightening reality: The most common cause of metabolic disorder is of course a vicious combination of a lack of exercise and poor diet.

See below for the Top 4 Fitness Tips to help save our father’s lives:

1.) Lay off the Brewskis

It’s no wonder why our dads have more of a keg for a gut than a six-pack. See below for the best way I know of explaining how detrimental alcohol can be on your body composition:

How Alcohol Makes You Fat

-Alcohol first passes through the esophagus as it travels to your stomach.

-From there, 20% of the alcohol is absorbed immediately by your bloodstream.

-The remaining alcohol travels to your intestines and is absorbed from there.

-The alcohol in your bloodstream then travels directly to your liver. It is here that the body breaks the alcohol down, something that is absolutely essential since
alcohol is toxic to the body.

-Alcohol brakes down into acetate and acetaldehyde which IMMEDIATELY
signals to your body to stop burning fat. Even worse, another waste product of
alcohol, acetyl CoA, actually starts to make more body fat.

If you booze, you WON’T lose fat!

But, if you must drink:

a.) Choose wine or hard liquor and “light” beer
b.) Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 days per week with a 1-2 drink per day max

2.) Do something besides bench presses and curls

Most men I know HATE cardio. Walk into any gym and you'll see all the guys grunting and growling in the free-weight section or on a machine. I guess this makes them feel more macho and 'man-like'

Now, don't get me wrong, I definitely KNOW the imporatnce of weight training when it comes to fat loss, but I also know that from time to time you have to get your butt off the bench and onto a bike or treadmill and crank up that cardio.

Since most guys HATE doing cardio, the most effectiive way to burn calories in a short amount of time is high intensity interval training. Here's an example:

Brisk walk-1 minute
Jog-1 minute
Sprint-1 minute

Repeat 8 times.

3.) Don’t eat like those clowns from NutriSystem

Here’s my take on how NutriSystem was created:

“I’ve got an idea for an incredible product and marketing campaign:

Let’s gather a group of genetically gifted former professional athletes that have put on some pounds since ending their playing days. We’ll have them all get their asses kicked by top personal trainers while following a restricted calorie diet so we lean them out real nicely.

But then we lie to the overweight male coach potato consumer and tell them that they got these results from eating the same food they are currently eating- you know, pizza, lasagna, sweets, etc. Except we’ll make the meals the size of a dime so they can still technically eat what they want and lose weight at the same time.

To make it even better, we’ll pre-package all of their meals for them to buy from us so these lazy bastards don’t have to do anything besides nuke it up and eat it!

We’ll make millions!”

Well, that’s exactly what has happened- thousands of sports-loving, ESPN-watching dads have been swindled to buy into this gimmick that you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight without exercise- because Dan Marino did it!

Look- if you honestly think you can keep eating the same foods that got you that gut in the first place, then I’m not sure how much more I can help you.

4.) Accept the fact that you probably need some professional fitness advice

I know most men don't like asking for directions, so I can imagine asking help from a fitness professional is even less desirable. One of my superstar clients lost 40 lbs of fat. He’s a busy business owner and grandfather and he spent many years doing everything wrong from both a training and nutrition perspective until he met me. I interviewed him one time and asked him what his best advice was for people that are in the same position today as he was before he transformed himself and this is what he said:

“What you don’t know will hurt you, but what you think you know will KILL you!”

Seek out a fitness expert like Gary did and get life-changing results in minimal time!

Dads- quit being so stubborn and macho. It doesn’t make you any less of a man to hire a personal trainer or join a boot camp because your wife and her lady friends do it. In reality, your wife (and women in general) are simply smarter than you because they effectively outsource their fitness needs to an expert whereby you try to re-invent the wheel on your own with little to no results.

If you want to lose your gut, follow the lead of the ladies ;)

If you need my help getting started give me a call or send me an email (I promise I won't tell your wife).

Happy Father’s Day!

Train Hard & Have Fun!

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coack

P.S. Next week, in honor of father's day I am offering all Dad's a free week of
training. Just give me a call or send me an email and we'll get you on the schedule. No further obligations required.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fast Food BS...Don't Fall For It!

By now, I am sure you have heard all about this new Kentucky Grilled Chicken.

And while this may be a better option than the fried chicken version, it’s still nowhere near a supportive food choice

Congratulations! You are eating “grilled” chicken with a bunch of garbage on the side. Lord knows that mac and cheese and biscuits aren’t going help you look any better naked!

KFC says the grilled chicken has significantly fewer calories and fat, plus much less sodium, than its Original Recipe fried chicken that launched the brand more than a half-century ago.

After all, just as, if not more, damaging to our waistlines are the high calorie side dishes accompanying the chicken which are filled with refined starches and sugars and unnecessary amounts of saturated fat.

To me it’s like covering feces with a newspaper- it still stinks!

For too long now the fast food industry has made a killing on misinforming consumers about what is and isn’t healthy.

KFC claimed that it recently did switch cooking oils to eliminate all trans fats from their products- a noble effort indeed.

But upon further review, this does not look to be the case…

Here are the ingredients directly from their website:

KFC ® Grilled Chicken

Fresh Chicken Marinated with: Salt, Sodium Phosphate, and Monosodium Glutamate Seasoned with: Maltodextrin, Salt, Bleached Wheat lour, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil, Monosodium Glutamate, Spices, Palm Oil, Natural Flavor, Garlic Powder, Soy Sauce (Soybean, Wheat, Salt), Chicken Fat, Chicken Broth, Autolyzed Yeast, Beef Powder, Rendered Beef Fat, Extractives of Turmeric, Dehydrated Carrot, Onion Powder, and mot more than 2% Each of Calcium Silicate and Silicon Dioxide Added as Anticaking Agents.

Contains Wheat and Soy

I don’t know about you, but this certainly doesn’t sound like a nutritional powerhouse.

First of all, “Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil” is not good for you and is a form of trans fat.

Trans fats are synthetic fats that are perceived as toxins by your body. There is truly no room for them in a healthy diet.

Plus, a great rule of thumb is that the fewer ingredients in a food item the better it is for you, ideally less than 5 ingredients being a good marker. Well, if you count the ingredients in this “healthy” food, there are well over 20!

Fast food and convenience store marketing campaigns make it very hard for us trainers to do our jobs.

When a company says:

“Our _____ (name of product) is good for you because it’s low in fat or fat-free”


“Our _____ (name of product) is good for you because it’s got no sugar”


“Our _____ (name of product) is the perfect snack because it’s only 100 calories.”

In general, here are some great user-friendly guidelines to cut through all of the BS these money-hungry SOB’s are sending our way:

Beware of “Fat-Free or Low Fat” Foods:

These food choices are often high in sugar or contain added sugar to make up for taste lost which wreak havoc on your energy levels and prevent fat loss.

Look Out for “Sugar-Free” Products:

These food choices are typically made with artificial ingredients and sweeteners and/or are sometimes higher in fat to make up for taste lost and/or often contains sugar-alcohols that tear up your digestive system.

Stay Away From “100 Calorie” Items:

These low calorie bags contain ZERO nutritional value with little to no protein and are low in fiber and natural, healthy fats. Plus, these weight-gainers by another name do not fill you up between meals.

Probably the most infamous “healthy” marketing campaign is 100-CALORIE SNACK PACKS.

Which is better for you body: 100 calories of veggies or 100 calories of mini-oreo cookies?

By now, I am sure you have heard all about this new Kentucky Grilled Chicken.


I know personally I could easily eat at least 5 of these packs without getting stuffed- I guess that would be a 500-CALORIE SNACK PACK ;)

Unfortunately, we live in a calorie-conscious society, and marketers truly take advantage of the general public's ignorance.

But you don’t need to be a dope like the rest of them.

Educate yourself.

Educate your friends.

Educate your family.

Remember, consumers determine the direction companies will go. If we don't buy this crap and feed it to our families, they will stop making it ;)

Get Fit & Have Fun Doing it!

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

PS- I just know you have got something to say about this hot button issue. Please make a comment to this blog post about what pisses you off the most about this KFC Grilled Chicken, or any other fast food marketing campaign for that matter!

P.S.S I still have two spaces available for the 60 Day beach Body Challenge. Visit if you want one of them!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Surprise Nutrition Raid

A few weeks ago I made a surprise visit at one of my nutrition bootcamp client's house and raided her kitchen to see what goodies were potentially sabotaging her progress.

To see what I discovered, check out the two part video series below. I promise you'll learn a few things, not to mention it's pretty entertaining!

Also don't forget the 60 Day Beach Body Challenge begins next week. I still have 4 spaces left. Visit for details. Okay, enjoy the videos.

Kitchen Raid-Part 1

Kitchen Raid-Part 2

Friday, May 29, 2009

Getting Through the Weekend Without Gaining Weight

You can work diligently all week following your menu and adhering to your exercise program only to have the “wheels come off” over the weekend and undermine all your efforts.

It can easily be done with an ounce of fudge here, a piece of pizza there, or maybe a to large a serving size or an appetizer at your favorite restaurant.
If eating splurges are a problem for you, it is essential that you stick to your long range planning.

The weekends typically encourage people to indulge in high-fat, high-calorie foods that are low in nutrients, and this is also the time we're most likely to make excuses for skipping exercise.

One of the most significant diet dangers revolves around sugar consumption. Problems arise from riding on a sugar roller coaster. When you binge on sugar, you tend crave more.

Along with sunlight deprivation, sugar binges cause a drop (after a rise) in serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates sleep and appetite. A lack of serotonin is often associated with depression. When you're deprived of serotonin, you won't feel calm and in control.

To help boost your serotonin levels naturally, eat small but frequent meals that include complex, starchy carbohydrates. You can also help control blood sugar levels and appetite by eating a balanced amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat at least four times a day. Having protein, carbohydrate and fat in every meal keeps energy levels constant and appetite under control.

You should keep up your regular exercise during the weekends and accept no excuses. When endorphins are high, you'll cope with stress better, and exercise will boost endorphins.

Here are some other weekend survival tips:

• Avoid eating no fat. Eating moderate amounts of fat at a meal can help you feel full sooner and keep you full longer, just don't overdue it.

• Don't skip meals. Skipping meals leads to hunger, low energy levels and improper food choices.

• Don't pass up favorite foods or deprive yourself completely. Moderate consumption is the key.

• Don't tempt yourself by keeping trigger foods or comfort foods around the house. If you have them, it increases the likelihood that you will overeat.

• Plan meals by keeping in mind the demands you'll have on your schedule that day.

• Don't go to a party starving. Before you leave home, eat something light or drink a meal replacement shake. Also drink a great deal of water the day of the party.

• Alcoholic beverages pack on the calories. If you're drinking alcohol, stick to light beer or a champagne spritzer.

• If you tend to overeat during family gatherings, plan and visualize what and how much you will eat before you go. Plan additional daily activities for that day or the following one. The additional activity can be anything from a longer shopping day to additional gym time.

In a nutshell, enjoy your weekend but make good choices and come Monday morning, you'll be so glad you did.

Have a great weekend,


P.S. On Monday i will be announcing the details of the 60 day Beach Body Challenge. There's still time to get on the early bird list at

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Memorial Day Workout


I Hope you had a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday weekend... I know I did!

I definitely had my share of 'indulgences', but I also managed to squeeze in a 'kicka*s workout this morning, as I wanted to enjoy my bar-b-que and beer guilt free.

I personally did this workout this morning, and besides leaving me in totally EXHAUSTED it took less than 20 minutes to complete; I'm all about efficiency!

Want to see what I did?

Check it out below.

Enjoy and train Hard,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. The Synergize 60 Day 'Beach Body' Challenge begins June 8th. I haven't finalized all the details. but if you might be interested visit and get on my EarlyBird list, so you'll be the FIRST to receive the details once they are released this week

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The 'Busy Mom' Syndrome

I have had the pleasure of personally working with hundreds of busy moms over the course of my fitness career, not to mention that I am one myself, so I can relate to the 'busy mom' challenges.

WORKOUT? I don’t even have time to use the bathroom!

Mother’s are without a doubt the most selfless clients I have ever worked with, almost to a fault. Honestly, I wish they would just be a little more selfish sometimes and give their personal physical and mental health a bit more of a priority.

Many good mothers miss the boat when it comes to their fitness. In general, they tend to think that it’s okay to put all of their personal ambitions aside for the good of their friends and family. But in reality, moms are not as effective as they could be when deviating from a healthy lifestyle.

After all, a mom who doesn’t workout and doesn’t eat the right foods at the right times will not be functioning at 100%, even if she thinks that she is.

Multi-Task Much?

In retrospect, I have identified the 5 anchors that tend to hold most moms back from getting the better body they so desperately are seeking. Here they are, in no particular order:

Obstacle#1- Too Many Missed Meals- Especially Breakfast!

Many moms are simply on a roller coaster ride from dawn until dusk, dealing with the stresses of parenting and/or challenging careers. Mornings can be especially difficult since there is often the need to feverishly multi-task to get the kids and the husband fed and off to school and work. Not to mention the fact that many busy moms today have to deal with their own demanding, high-stress jobs.

Set that alarm 5 minutes earlier and make it a point NEVER to miss breakfast!

So missing breakfast becomes a reality, often leading to a host of other missed meals and snacks throughout the day. This leads to cataclysmal series of events that deprive your physique of lean, toned body mass while simultaneously priming your body to overeat junk food later in the day and store ugly, unwanted fat. Furthermore, this starvation protocol creates low levels of blood sugar which zaps your energy and leaves your feeling foggy, irritated, and lethargic all day long.

Look- there’s always room for break fast, you just need to make the time! Better yet, plan and prepare a breakfast high in lean protein and fiber in advance the night before to best ensure you stay the course.

One solution that’s worked really well for our clients is called PROGRADE LEAN. It’s a tasty meal replacement shake that contains a whopping 35 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. What’s the best part about it? It leaves NO room for excuses! All you need to do is put 2 scoops in water, mix, and enjoy.

For more info, please click the link below:

Obstacle#2- Failing To Make The Daily Workout Appointment This one is simple, yet oh so powerful. Think about it- moms never miss an appointment for their kids. Why? Well yes, it’s because they love them, but more importantly, it’s because they love their kids enough to religiously schedule their appointments!

Schedule your workouts and stick to them like they are a family obligation!

If you are a busy Mom who is serious about your fitness, then you absolutely need to take the same approach with your workouts.

In addition, you need to be sure that you schedule in your daily workouts when you are most likely to do them rather than when you prefer to do them. For example, I prefer to workout in the afternoon, but with my very busy work schedule it’s best for me to get my workout done first thing in the morning. This way the stresses of work never get in the way of my fitness.

In my experience, most Moms work best when doing their workouts either first thing in the morning while the kids are still sleeping, or right after they drop their kids off from school. It seems that too many unexpected obstacles come in the way of an afternoon or evening workout for the typical mother. But, regardless of when the best time may be, just schedule it in and stick to it like it’s a family commitment!

Obstacle#3- Too Much Mindless Noshing In The Kitchen During The Day

I can’t tell you how many times I have had a Mom who as “been following the nutrition plan” with limited success to later find out there were some extra eats and treats in the mix. It wasn’t that they were being dishonest about it- rather most people don’t really comprehend how much they actually put in their mouth every day.

Think about it- how many times do you see most people just mindlessly eat something during the day. All of us do it and trust me, it can add up and fast!

Many moms spend LOTS of time in the kitchen around tasty food all day- and they eat a lot more of it than they realize!

I know, I know- you have to sample the goods to know if it’s good. But, you need to understand that the occasional taste test can sabotage your fat loss goals.

Furthermore, moms get into trouble with the frequent snacking practices of their children and it’s tough to pass on food when it’s always in your face. A couple goldfish here, a couple goldfish there, and before you know it you just killed the whole dam bag!

My advice is to guard your mouth with lock and key. Ask yourself every time you bring something close to your lips the following question: “Will this help me burn fat and build muscle?”

If NO- put it down and go read a book ;)

Obstacle#4- Too Much Cardio While Pushing a Stroller

Interval training burns nine times more body fat than long, slow, boring cardio. Aerobic training burns calories but it simply doesn’t increase your metabolism like interval training does. And the true power of interval training comes from the intensity of each work period.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love to see moms moving, even if only a little bit. It’s great to get outside and move with your kids! However, we need to be honest about the fact that it’s not really feasible to train with intensity while pushing a stroller. Fast arm movement is the key to getting your wheels moving during sprints, so if you are pushing a stroller you’re losing out on some much needed speed to maximize your results.

Honestly, how much intensity can your cardio workouts have when you are pushing a stroller?

Furthermore, I don’t think it’s safe to perform sprints while pushing a stroller. I know that I certainly wouldn’t trust my clumsy-self doing intervals with a baby’s safety literally in my hands. So, get out and push a stroller, maybe even jog a little, but don’t think that you are getting anywhere close to the same kind of benefit that you can get hands-free and in open space with high-intensity intervals.

Obstacle#5- Too Many Glasses Of Wine In The Evening

Nobody wants to hear that a glass or two of wine at night is going to stop your fitness goals in its tracks. But the reality of the matter is that alcohol has the double-edged sword of both paralyzing the fat-burning process while simultaneously creating fat within the body. Plus alcohol tends to lower inhibitions leading to the consumption of other junk food. Not good!

A couple glasses of wine per day is a your one-way ticket to cellulite city… sorry!

So I say “zip it” to all of those folks who say: “consuming several glasses of wine a day is healthy because it has anti-oxidants and that keeps you from getting sick.” This is just a bunch of babble from lushes who are trying to convince themselves that it’s okay to drink regularly and be healthy- but it’s not!

Fruit and veggies have more anti-oxidants and tons of other health benefits, so we just need to cut the BS that wine is an integral part of a healthy diet.

Now, I want to be sensitive to those busy, hard-working moms who have a glass of wine at the end of the day to unwind and take some of the load off of their shoulders because I get that, and I do that from time to time. But I also know there are other healthier ways to de-stress that don’t have such a negative effect on your body composition. Such activities are stretching, foam rolling, taking a bath, reading a book, etc.

So please remember- if you booze, you WON’T lose!

Train Hard,


Friday, May 8, 2009

My Baby Girl is Walking!

What a perfect weekend for my baby girl to take her first steps...Mother's Day!

If you're a mother, then you can relate to the joy of this moment.

Anyhow, many of you have watched Senaya grow, either 'in person' or 'online', so I wanted to share my joy with you (Check out the video below).

I wish you the happiest, healthiest and most blessed Mother's day ever! Enjoy your day, you DESERVE IT!

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. The next women's Fat-Blaster Camp begins Monday, May 11th and my gift to you is
one FREE week of camp. The only catch is I'm limiting this offer to the first 10 mom's who register. Simply send me an email with Mother's Day Camp in the subject line

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cardio Intervals: The Key To Maximizing Fat loss

The days of long, boring cardio session Are least if your goal is maximizing fat loss.

Watch this video and discover EXACTLY how you should be doing your cardio exercise to maximize fat loss and turbo charge your results

Here's an example of a cardio interval workout:

5 Minute Warmup- RPE 3-4 (rating of perceived exertion on a scale of 1-10)
1 Minute- RPE 6-7
1 Minute- RPE 3-4
1 Minute- RPE 7-8
1 Minute- RPE 3-4
1 Minute- RPE 9-10
1 Minute- RPE 3-4

Repeat 3 cycles

Don't want to do these intense workouts on your own
visit or schedule a FREE
semi-private training session at

You can also call me at 954-924-4465

See ya soon,

Shondelle aka Coach

Monday, April 13, 2009

The 10 BEST Exercises for Maximal Fat Loss

Being in the fitness industry for over 13 years and having trained well over 5,000 people, I know a thing or two about exercise selection. Because of this I am constantly asked what the best exercises are to lose fat AND gain muscle fast.

I’ll keep this as simple as possible for you. The best exercises for fat loss are also the best exercises for muscle gain and visa versa. These exercises all have one thing in common:
they provide a UNIQUE challenge to your body AND involve as many muscles in your body as possible.

Both the scientific research and the real world case studies have shown that total body workouts are superior for maximal fat loss and muscle gain. But let’s take this one step further…

Let’s dramatically accelerate results by preferentially selecting TOTAL BODY EXERCISES within each TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! For example, squats are well known for being one of the best muscle-builders with a serious a fat-shredding effect. However, the squat goes from great to UNSTOPPABLE for changing your body for the better when you make it a combination movement by adding a row or press to each squat rep. It’s obvious that you can reap more benefits this way since you have now involved your upper body into the king of lower body exercises.

It’s as simple as the Dream Body Equation below:

Performing Total Body Exercises Within Each Total Body Workout

More Muscles Involved =

More Calories Burnt + Greater Muscle-Building Stimulus =

Greater Fat Lost + Greater Muscle Gain

I must be honest in that I have a true love-hate relationship with the following movements I am about to share with you. Love because of the unparalleled fat-melting, muscle-building results they provide to help me stay 'lean and mean' Hate because they break me every single workout by leaving me in tears while in a pool of my own sweat. In other words, these are not for the weak of mind, body, or soul!

Without further adieu, here is the official top 10 list of my favorite exercises in the world for fat loss and lean muscle gain:

Exercise#1- Any Squatting Combination Exercise- Squat Thrust/Burpee Variations, Squat to Overhead Press, Squat to Row, Squat to Chest Press, Braced Core Squat, Single-Leg Squat plus Curl to Press, etc.

Exercise#2- Any Push-Up Combination Exercise- Push-ups plu
s Knee-Ins, Push-up Rows, T-Push-Ups, Spiderman Push-ups, Squat Thrust Push-Ups, Four-Way Push-up Crawl, etc.
Exercise#3- Any Lunge Combination Exercise- Alternating Lunge plus Curl to Press, Alternating Lunge plus Twist, Alternating Lunge plus Chest Press, Alternating Reverse Lunge plus Row, Split Jump plus Jerk, Split Jump plus Curl etc.

Exercise#4- The The Swing- Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Med Balls, or Sandbags
Exercise#5- Forward Reach w press
Exercise#6- Chop- Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Med Balls, Bands, or Sandbags
Exercise#7- Mountain Climbers
Exercise#8- Step Up with Kick
Exercise#9- Walk out with a pushup

Exercise#10- Belly Buster w/Butt Blaster

Here’s a great highlight reel of the above exercises so that you can add them to your own training routines for better results:

Well I hope you take my expert advice and jack up your training with these 10 deadly total body combination exercises. I guarantee you better results in less time by regularly employing these movements into your workouts. Of course it’s now up to you to take your workouts, and your body, to the next level.

I’ll be sharing some more great exercises for those specific trouble spot areas (e.g. legs, butt, abs, chest, arms, etc.) that are holding your sexy back in the days to come ;)

Train hard & Enjoy Every Moment

Shondelle Solomon-Miles

Friday, April 10, 2009

My little pricess Senaya turns one today!

Today my little princess, Senaya Leigh is celebrating her first birthday!

It's amazing how fast a year flys by huh?

Anyway, many of you were 'with me' during my pregancy and have watched Senaya blossom into a sweet little angle over the past year so I wanted to share the moment with you.
Since it would probably be too messy to mail out pink cupcakes to everyone - I'm doing the next best thing by giving you FREE Semi-private trainingsessions or bootcamp classes from Saturday, April 11-Friday April 17th.

All you have to do is call our office at 954-924-4465 or email me at and enter Senaya 1st Birthday Special in the subject line.

There is no catch and no further obligations, but space is extremely limited so we are only accepting 9 women for this offer.

Ok, gotta go get set up for Senaya's Easter themed Birthday Bash

Hopefully the Sangria will help keep my sanity!

Ciao and Happy Easter,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Re: Hollywood Best Body Challenge

I have recieved LOTS of questions regarding the upcoming Hollywood Best Body Challenge.

I have put together this 10 minute video to answer many of the most common questions I have received.

I will address the details of the challenge on April 18th. I look forward to seeing you there.

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

Here's the link to download the guide if you have not yet received it:

If you have any more questions email me at or call me at 305-785-2458.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hollywood, FL Fitness Expert Reveals Top 2 Exercise & Nutrition Tips

I want to share some tips with you today that pretty much sums up what all of us need to do to get lean and stay lean for life.

It doesn't get any simpler than this… but simple works!


* Invest in a Whole Body Workout: This means doing a five-seven exercise circuit (designed to work yourers upper body, lower body, and core. Also include a cardio drill such as mountain climbers) at least three times per week with a day of rest between workouts. Alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for each a double-leg (e.g. squat), push (e.g. push-up), single-leg (e.g. lunge), pull (e.g. row), core (e.g. plank) exercise, and cardio drill (jumping jacks). Perform up to 4 rounds without rest for a killer 20-minute total body workout.

* Harness the Power of Intervals: Interval training is scientifically proven to burn nine times more body fat than ordinary exercise and elevates metabolism for up to 48 hours following your workout. Perform cardio intervals on non-strength training days three times per week. Selecting your cardio exercise of choice, alternate between 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest and repeat this 30 second interval eight times for four total minutes followed by a one-minute rest. Repeat for up to 20 total minutes. This routine works best on a stationary bike (airdyne) or for body weight cardio exercise that you can do at home like running in place or jumping jacks.


* Eat Early and Often: Eat immediately upon waking and then every two to four hours to starve fat and feed muscle. By continuously fueling your furnace, and eating some animal protein (meat, eggs, cheese, etc.) at every feeding, you'll also keep your metabolism revved up throughout the day and prevent overeating.

* Think Fiber First When Consuming Carbs: Eat an unlimited amount of fibrous, cruciferous green veggies to fill your belly both during and between meals. For optimal fat-burning, try to limit fruit and other carbohydrate consumption to within 1-2 hours post-workout when your body best tolerates starches and sugars.

Live by these 2 training and nutrition rules and you will have a body to be proud of... I guarantee it ;)

Train Hard & Enjoy Every Moment,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles

PS- Please forward this blog post to anybody that you know who can benefit from it!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Anti-Crunch Six-Pack Abs Blueprint:

Last week I shared with you the biggest myths about how to get flat, sexy abs. This week I will share with you the SOLUTION to getting those abs beach ready in no time at all.

Step#1- Lose the fat that is covering your abs so that you can see them

A.) Eat to lose fat and elevate metabolism

- Drink at least 2-4 cups of water immediately upon waking and then drink at least 1-2 cups of water every 2 hours you are awake. Drink 1-2 cups of water for every 15 minutes of vigorous activity.

- Eat immediately upon waking and then every 2-4 hours after that for a total of 6-8 feedings per day (3 meals, 3 snacks- half the size of your meals, workout nutrition)

- Focus on a wide range of organic lean proteins, natural fats, and fruit and veggies

Sample One-Day Menu:

Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs, Greens, and Turkey Sausage or Bacon

Mid-Morning Snack- Mixed Nuts and Fruit/Veggie of Choice

Lunch- Chicken, Salmon, or Shrimp Caesar Salad

Mid-Afternoon Snack- Cheese and Fruit/Veggie of Choice

Dinner- Turkey or Beef Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash

Pre-Bed Snack- Protein and Flax Shake

- Take a daily multi-vitamin for your gender and an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement

- Use The Carb Reduction Blueprint: Use the following step by step process in the exact order listed to breakthrough any plateaus in your six-pack abs quest

Step#1- Replace all white carbs with 100% whole grain carbs and all refined sugars with natural sugars

Step#2- Limit all whole grain starch and natural sugar consumption to within 1-2 hours post-workout or immediately upon waking for breakfast

Step#3- Replace all starches and sugars with fruits and veggies

Step#4- Replace all fruits with green veggies

Step#5- Use strategic carb and calorie cycling to take your body to next level (my clients and I have had great success with this but it is beyond the scope of this article)

B.) Train to lose fat and elevate metabolism

- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- Perform Total Body Circuit Strength Training

Sample Total Body Circuit Strength Workout- 20 Minutes (not including five minute warm-up and cool-down)

50-10 Interval Five Exercise Total Body Circuit- You will alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 s of rest for each exercise in the following five-exercise circuit. Perform this 5-minute circuit up to four times for a 20-minute total body workout:

Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Hip Extensions
2 Push-up Variation
3 Single-Leg Wall Sit
4 Body Weight Rows
5 Upper Body Twist Variation

- Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday- Perform Cardio Interval Training

Sample Cardio Interval Training Workout- 20 Minutes (not including five minute warm-up and cool-down)

30-30’s- You will alternate between 30 seconds of maximum effort and 30 s of active recovery. You will perform this 1-minute round up to 20x for 20 total minutes. You can perform this workout on your cardio machine of choice (airdyne or spin bike, running, etc.) or by alternating between the following body weight cardio exercises for the ultimate in-home workout:

Stationary Running
Jumping Jacks Variation
Jump Rope

Step#2- Train your abs based on their true function: STABILIZATION

Below is one of my boot camp client’s favorite (and most hated) core workout. It involves no crunches or sit-ups by using all pillar stabilization exercises. Once you master these killer moves and follow everything else I previously listed above, you will have a sweet pair of rock hard abs to show for it… I guarantee it!

The Power to the Pillar Workout- Tabata Style

This 20-minute total body core workout focuses entirely on pillar stabilization. The pillar collectively consists of your shoulders, hips, and core. It is your body’s powerhouse, foundational to all movement.

For each exercise below you will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. You will repeat this 30-second sequence eight times for four total minutes followed by a one minute rest and transition before moving on to the next exercise listed.

For maximum benefits, you must seek to maintain a tight pillar position during all movements by actively pulling your navel to your spine, engaging your glutes, and maintaining a straight line from the heels through the shoulders. The following coaching cues work really well for our clients:
“Suck in your gut – give yourself a wedgie – be flat like a diving board.”

Exercise#1- Plank

Exercise#2- Boat Pose

Exercise#3- Side Plank

Exercise#4- Stability Ball Roll Outs

Today is the dawn of a new age in core training and it is my sincere hope that you take this killer information and run with it. If you are unsure about how to do these exercise, i strongly suggest you join the 12-week Best Body Challenge by visiting

Until next time…


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Biggest Myths about Getting Flat,Sexy Abs!

The other day I shared with you one of the biggest weight loss myths, regarding getting flat,exy, six pack abs.

Well today I'm going to share a few more, and then next week I'll tell you exactly what you need to do to get abs that will be the talk of the beach this summer.

Here are 3 more of the most common myths:

Myth#2- Do lots of abs work to preferentially burn off stomach fat


Spot reduction doesn’t work. You can’t just work the muscles of a certain area of your body and expect to have the fat in that region go away. Think about it: almost everyone does crunches but proportionately very few people perform total body workouts. So, with all of these crunches, we’d expect to see nothing but people with flat tummies and fat depots everywhere else on their body (arms, legs, etc.). But think of how many people you know and see on a regular basis whom have more than a few inches to lose in their midsection. See what I mean- spot reduction doesn’t work!

See, your body loses fat in a genetically pre-determined way when there is the appropriate caloric deficit AND hormonal environment created by proper eating and training. So your best bet is to focus on burning as many calories during your workouts as possible by engaging your whole body each and every training session (not just your abs). Compound, multi-joint movements like squats, push-ups, lunges, etc. (or better yet, total body exercises like squat to presses) burn a lot more calories than isolation movements like crunches and sit-ups. So be sure to focus on these movements first and then if you have time, you can do some extra core work to please the abs training Gods.

Myth#3- Crunches and Sit-ups are the best exercises for your absWRONG!

The scientific term for your six-pack muscles are your rectus abdominis. For years now, we have been conditioned to think that the best way to work your rectus abdominis is by doing endless crunches and sit-ups since these trunk flexion exercises make the muscles you want to see in the mirror “burn.” However, the true function of the rectus abdominis is to prevent hyperextension, not to flex forward over and over again. Anytime you brace your abs (think slight crunch before you get punched in the gut) and pull your navel into your spine you effectively stabilize your spine into a safe, neutral position. And the moment you relax your abs and lose that braced abs position, your back will begin to hyperextend putting you at greater risk for injury.

So, we focus on stabilization exercises in all three planes of movement (saggital- front to back, frontal- side to side, and transverse- rotational) by using pillar exercise variations (also know as planks). Besides training the true “anti-extension” function of your superficial ab muscles, these bridging/stabilization exercises also activate the key transverse abdominus muscles, or your deep abdominal stabilizers, that wrap around your spine and support your internal organs. Strengthening these inner ab muscles is the key to optimal posture and performance in addition to injury prevention, yet another benefit to performing pillars over primitive crunches and sit-ups that often cause unwanted neck and back pain.

Myth#4- Do lots of long-duration cardio to burn the fat covering your absWRONG!

Both scientific research and real world case studies show that aerobic training for fat loss alone doesn’t work. Total body resistance training is the true foundation of any solid fat loss plan. In addition, interval training, where you alternate between bouts of maximum effort and active recovery, is scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat than ordinary exercise. Please note that you can perform both resistance interval training and cardio interval training to combine the best of both worlds. More on this to come!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Abs Uncrunched-The Biggest Myths about Ripped Abs

Face it- we all want a flat, sexy midsection. But for many of us no amount of crunches or sit-ups seems to get the job done. I can’t tell you how many times people have asked me the following questions:

“I do hundreds of crunches and sit-ups a day and I still have a flabby midsection. What gives?”

Well, before I reveal your six-pack abs blueprint, let’s first debunk some very important myths about how to get six-pack abs:

Myth#1- Weight loss is the key to seeing your absWRONG!

The key to seeing your abs is fat loss, not weight loss. Let me further explain: your body consists of fat mass and lean body mass (water, muscle, bone, organs, etc.). You want to minimize your fat mass and maximize your lean body mass to build a sexy metabolism: one that starves fat and builds muscle like clockwork. By improving body composition you will put yourself in the best position to rock that coveted six-pack.

So if you lose 17 lbs on the scale at the expense of losing some lean muscle mass in the process you will end up slowing your metabolism, decreasing performance, and losing that good looking muscle tone. But if you lose 17 lbs on the scale and you manage to keep or gain lean muscle mass you will increase performance, see more visible definition throughout your body, and lose primarily body fat.

The scale has far too many variables to account for that lead to frequent fluctuations such as hydration levels, sodium intake, and for women the menstrual cycle. I firmly believe one should NOT keep a scale at their home- it is such an anchor, particularly for women. Get off the scale and get over the numbers. The true goal is fat loss, not weight loss. Focus on clothing size reduction, digital before and after pictures, and of course the mirror for the most accurate progress tracking.

Stay tuned for Myth #2 in a couple of days.

Train Hard,


P.s Have you registered for the FREE 12-week challenge. Check it out at

Monday, March 23, 2009

This IS The Key To Rapid Fat Loss

Lately I've been boasting on Facebook about the kick a** workouts we've been doing at Synergize!

I don't brag or create these workouts to reveal my masochistic side ;) but rather because I understand that it takes Hard Core intensity to transform your body.


If it was easy, everyone would have their dream body right?

Synergize! ladies burn at least 500 calories during one of these workouts, and that doesn't include the hundreds of calories they are burning after their workout, and throughout the rest of their day.


The key to serious, jaw dropping body transformation results and rapid fat loss, is not how many calories you burn during your workout, but how many calories you continue to burn AFTER your workout.

The higher the intensity the MORE calories you burn AFTER your workout.

In fact studies show that your metabolism can stay elevated up to48 hours after a workout like the one you are about to see.

This is why walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes while reading a magazine or talking on your cell phone is alomost a complete waste of time.

Here's the bottom line:

If you want BIG TIME results you MUST give BIG TIME effort.

If you're walking on a treadmill while reading a amgazine and expect to see any
serious results, you are not only fooling yourself,
but you are wasting your time.

As the saying goes you reap what you sow.

Check out the video below and see how the Synergize! women 'sow', and when you're ready to get serious about changing your body, call or email me to schedule your FREE consultation and training session.

Train HARD,

Shondelle Solomon

P.S. Our programs cater to ALL fitness levels and all ages (our oldest client is 73), so don't be intimidate dby the video or think this is NOT for fact it's probably EXACTLY what you need!.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Why You Must Exercise in a Bad Economy

My Top 5 Reasons That It's More Important Now Than Ever Before to Exercise And Eat Right - A Bad economy is bad for your health...

At this point, you simply can�t ignore the current state of the economy. And while everyone is focused on how it�s affecting the financial bottom line, they are missing a much more important impact. Many of us right now are faced with some of the toughest challenges of our lives. As a business owner myself I know that that I�m having to work as hard as ever to take good care of clients while also making sure to keep my business healthy.

Now more than ever it is essential that people are exercising and eating right. This is for many reasons. Here are my Top 5 Reasons that now more than ever, people need to make sure they are eating right and exercising.

1. Mental and Emotional stress are at an all time high, and exercise is one of the best medicines for this ailment.

A landmark Gallup-Healthways poll was published this week. As reported by USA today writer, Marilyn Elias, it's one of the largest of its kind. It was performed nearly every day in 2008 and is still ongoing. The survey of more than 350,000 people is believed to be the largest, longest, and most thorough poll showing how emotional well-being shifts with economic changes.

The survey produces a so-called Emotional Health Index (EHI), which is a measure that weighs problems such as depression, worry and stress against the positive feelings a person experienced the day before the survey.

The results?

As reported in the USA today, A state's EHI correlated with high rates of death from ailments such as heart disease. States with a lot of open space or sunshine - Hawaii, Alaska, Wyoming - had some of the best emotional health even as the economy sank. Many poorer and Rust Belt states � West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky - were worst off.

It turns out that people's moods are ultra-sensitive to economic news...

2. Levels of depression have increased, and this means more drinking, smoking, and other unhealthful habits. Depression also discourages exercise. And once again, exercise is one of the all time greatest cures for mild depression.

3. People can't really afford to get sick and be unproductive right now. Job markets are tight and competitive, and it is essential that we are all maximizing productivity in our work. If you're not operating at full capacity, your productivity suffers, which hurts your bottom line, and ultimately may leave you looking for a new job that doesn't exist!

The Gallup survey shows that those of us in our prime earning years between the age of 30 and 55 are suffering the most from bad economic news and bad economic times. This means that once again for those of us who are busier than ever with our careers, raising families, and working hard to thrive, the challenge of maintaining our health is even greater. At the same time, the amount of time energy or space in our lives to exercise and plan meals is probably limited or almost non-existent.

4. Job markets are tight and health care costs are rising. Like it or not, or legal or not, if you're employer thinks you are a greater health risk to the company than other candidates competing for the same job, who do you think they will ultimately hire.

5. Taking just a little time for yourself every day to nourish the body with good healthy food, exercise, yoga, stretching, and stress management is a choice you can make every day to grant yourself a quick and healthy dose of positive energy. This will help not only help you feel better, but will also likely spill right over into your life so that your kids, your wife, your colleagues and everyone else around your can share in this wealth. Because exercise will not only help you fight stress, depression, anxiety, and all of the other ailments described above and that you might already be experiencing, but it will make you rich in spirit in a way that money can't!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is America is in Denial About What to Eat for Dinner?

Is America in Denial About What to Eat for Dinner?

Americans have grown fatter and sicker than ever. People don't move, they eat poorly, and in many ways seem unwilling do do much about it. And as the crisis worsens, we seem to grow ever more confused about how we got here, and every more polarized about setting things right.

There is a quote from one of the experts in the movie, "Supersize Me" where the scientist makes the point that back in the 1800s, people wished for a constant supply of food that was easy to access and plentiful. Well, be careful what you wish for the old expression goes...Because we have that endless supply now, and our culture doesn't look so good.

Not only have we become as unhealthy as ever, but the confusion that's now present about what to do about it seems to feed people's denial about needing to take some action. When people are confused about what to do, action stops. People are also busier than ever, so it becomes easier to eat lots of packaged and processed food, sit behind the desk, and complain about our growing waistlines.

Let me give you an example of how far out of shape the confusion has become...

I've had more than one client tell me that they are actually afraid of potatoes. This mostly a result of their understanding that too many simple carbs are bad for them, which is true. But here are the facts about potatoes (a whole food)...

It's a better choice than anything you'll get in a package, and if you eat it with the skin, the round little thing contains as much fiber as outmeal, only packs 150 calories (if it's not one of those giant ones), and contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. If you had a complex carb like broccoli on top, you're doing even better, because the complex carb on top slows down the digestive process even more, adds more nutrients and helps you get closer to your greens goal for the day.

There are literally countless ways to balance the equation in your favor. The energy balance equation that is. If you burn more than you take in on a regular basis, you're going to lose weight, increase your energy level, and live a better healthier life. It really is that simple, until you attempt to wade through all of the evidence and recommendations.

For now, I'll leave you with just a few simple suggestions for more healthful eating. If you're a current client, you've heard this stuff before, but I know it's worth repeating. If you're not a client yet, I encourage you to give me a call so that we can discuss how we can apply these strategies to your individual needs and get you living a better healthier life starting now!

Here are the strategies:

1. Stop eating Junk! Including those big giant pretzels with cheese I see people eating at the concession stands and pretty much everything else you might find there. It's all junk! By giving up junk for whole foods, you can shed hundreds of calories per day. OK good, you're already heading in the right direction.

2. Eat vegetables in abundance. There isn't a diet guru on earth who disagrees with this. You just don't hear it often enough because the advertising budgets for big food companies are in the billions while the "5 A Day for Better Health" campaign put out a few years back for example only had a million or so. Only about 1 in 4 adults eats their vegetables. I guess it starts as a kid and never improves. That's a shame.

3. Drink a lot of water. Often when you feel hungry, you're actually just thirsty. Water of course has no calories so simply making sure to stay hydrated will help you shed some extra calories for the day.

4. Prevent the excess.

5. Learn to be a little hungry from time to time, especially at night before you go to bed

6. Eat a great, well balanced breakfast every day.

Yes, of course there are more strategies, but if you simply stuck to these you would be doing better than most of the rest of the population, especially if you pushed that chair back from behind your desk, stood up, put your coat on and went for a walk once a day!

Friday, January 9, 2009

5 Tips to Transform Your Body In Record Time

We are 9 days into the NEW Year!

What have you done towards making your New Year's Resolution a reality,
rather just another empty promise you make, as on cue, at the beginning
of every year?

To assist you in getting started in reaching your weight loss and fitness goals I've prepared a brief video series, each addressing one of the '5 Tips to Transforming Your Body In Record Time'.

I will be giving a live presentaion of this material 'how to transform your body in warp speed in 2009...Guaranteed' on Saturday, January 10th at 12:30PM at the Synergize! studio (1200 North Federal Highway)

Details are at

Enjoy the video and I hope to see you on Saturday,

Tip #1- Transforming Your Body In Record Time in 2009...Guaranteed

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Maximize Your Metabolism Nutrition Program Launches January 19th

I've seen clients train HARD day in and day out, and achieve minimal results because their nutritional plan was completely off track.

Many of you have the exercise portion of your program 'on point', but are seriously 'slacking' in the nutrition department.

So the bottom line is this:

If you want serious RESULTS you absolutely MUST get your nutrition program 'in shape'

For this reason, Synergize is launching a MAXIMIZE YOUR METABOLISM nutrition and weight management program to assist you in reaching your goals.

Watch this brief video clip from Melinda Lohman, a Synergize! client, who just went through the 30 day 'pilot' Maximize Your Metabolism program.

Hear what she has to say about the program and stay tuned for your January 'snail mail' newsletter which will have further details about the program.

FANatically committed to your success,


Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year's Resolution Trap

New Year's never fails to evoke feelings of hope and renewal, but is it really a trap?

You've been handed a proverbial clean slate - another chance to shrug off your bad habits and reach for your dreams.

In an attempt to bottle that New Year's vigor, you'll make a few New Year's Resolutions. But before you put pen to paper, you ought to know this: It has been reported that 92 % of all New Year's Resolutions end in failure.

That means that less than 1 out of every 10 people will successful accomplish their resolutions in 2009.

Ouch - those statistics are brutal.

Who in their right mind would take the time to make resolutions when failure is that imminent?

As your trusted source for fitness advice, I'd like to coach you though this sticky situation. Yes, most people fail to achieve their New Year's Resolutions. However, I am going to clue you in on what the 92% do wrong and teach you what the 8% who succeed do right.

First up, the 92% who failed. These well meaning folks shared a common mistake that put the nail in their coffin before they'd even begun.

They bit off more than they could chew. In all the excitement of becoming a better person and changing their life in the New Year they made the crucial mistake of committing to do too much.

But reality set in, a few weeks or even days into their reformed life, and they gave up. The 92% gave themselves an easy way out. They approached their resolution with an 'all or nothing' attitude. Once the 'all' became too tough they opted for 'nothing'. And just like that another resolution ended in failure - end of story.

Now let's examine the 8% who succeed with their resolutions year after year. The key to their success is quite simple (you may have even guessed it by now). They set realistic goals. I'll repeat that... they set REALISTIC goals.

Instead of resolving to lose 50 pounds by June, they commit to exercise 3-4 times each week.
Instead of resolving to give up all carbs, they commit to bring healthy snacks to work instead eating from the vending machine.

Instead of resolving to drop 3 sizes in 3 months, they commit to losing 1 pound each week until they reach their desired size.

Instead of resolving to never eat out again, they commit to eating healthy all week and rewarding themselves with one meal out on the weekends.

Did you see the difference? If you want your resolution to stick then think of something simple and realistic.

Sure, it certainly won't sound as cool as the resolutions that the 92% make - but they aren't going to keep theirs anyway. Remember that the whole point of making a New Year's Resolution is to become a healthier, happier and more successful person.

Small changes done consistently will make a big difference. If your New Year's Resolution has to do with losing weight and getting into great shape (and whose isn't?) then guarantee your success by working with a fitness expert who can show you the ropes and guide you to success.

I'd love to team up with you - together we will transform your body in 2009! Call or email to get started today.

Shondelle Solomon-Miles

The shape up Hollywood 12-week transformation begins Monday january 19th. Check out the details at