Monday, July 27, 2009

Sonia Tigero: From Size XXX to Size 12?

Sonia Tigero: From Size XXX to Size 12?

Inspiring story huh?

If you're ready to be our next success story and
not only change your body, but change your life
then Click HERE to schedule a FREE, no obligation consultation
with your truly.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain-excpet pounds of course;)

Committed to your health and fitness success,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach


Sonia Tigero "the fitness chef" said...

I want to THANK YOU Shondelle!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much for every single sesion! Even if I complaint or I am not able to do some exercizes... thank you!
Thanks for all your support and thank you for teach me how to eat...
You are great and I will be grateful for ever!!!!!!!!!

connie villiers furze said...

IDOLAAAAAAAAAA!! You look absolutely awesome Sonia!!!! And beautiful!!!