Friday, April 10, 2009

My little pricess Senaya turns one today!

Today my little princess, Senaya Leigh is celebrating her first birthday!

It's amazing how fast a year flys by huh?

Anyway, many of you were 'with me' during my pregancy and have watched Senaya blossom into a sweet little angle over the past year so I wanted to share the moment with you.
Since it would probably be too messy to mail out pink cupcakes to everyone - I'm doing the next best thing by giving you FREE Semi-private trainingsessions or bootcamp classes from Saturday, April 11-Friday April 17th.

All you have to do is call our office at 954-924-4465 or email me at and enter Senaya 1st Birthday Special in the subject line.

There is no catch and no further obligations, but space is extremely limited so we are only accepting 9 women for this offer.

Ok, gotta go get set up for Senaya's Easter themed Birthday Bash

Hopefully the Sangria will help keep my sanity!

Ciao and Happy Easter,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

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