Friday, January 9, 2009

5 Tips to Transform Your Body In Record Time

We are 9 days into the NEW Year!

What have you done towards making your New Year's Resolution a reality,
rather just another empty promise you make, as on cue, at the beginning
of every year?

To assist you in getting started in reaching your weight loss and fitness goals I've prepared a brief video series, each addressing one of the '5 Tips to Transforming Your Body In Record Time'.

I will be giving a live presentaion of this material 'how to transform your body in warp speed in 2009...Guaranteed' on Saturday, January 10th at 12:30PM at the Synergize! studio (1200 North Federal Highway)

Details are at

Enjoy the video and I hope to see you on Saturday,

Tip #1- Transforming Your Body In Record Time in 2009...Guaranteed

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