Thursday, January 8, 2009

Maximize Your Metabolism Nutrition Program Launches January 19th

I've seen clients train HARD day in and day out, and achieve minimal results because their nutritional plan was completely off track.

Many of you have the exercise portion of your program 'on point', but are seriously 'slacking' in the nutrition department.

So the bottom line is this:

If you want serious RESULTS you absolutely MUST get your nutrition program 'in shape'

For this reason, Synergize is launching a MAXIMIZE YOUR METABOLISM nutrition and weight management program to assist you in reaching your goals.

Watch this brief video clip from Melinda Lohman, a Synergize! client, who just went through the 30 day 'pilot' Maximize Your Metabolism program.

Hear what she has to say about the program and stay tuned for your January 'snail mail' newsletter which will have further details about the program.

FANatically committed to your success,


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