Friday, May 8, 2009

My Baby Girl is Walking!

What a perfect weekend for my baby girl to take her first steps...Mother's Day!

If you're a mother, then you can relate to the joy of this moment.

Anyhow, many of you have watched Senaya grow, either 'in person' or 'online', so I wanted to share my joy with you (Check out the video below).

I wish you the happiest, healthiest and most blessed Mother's day ever! Enjoy your day, you DESERVE IT!

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. The next women's Fat-Blaster Camp begins Monday, May 11th and my gift to you is
one FREE week of camp. The only catch is I'm limiting this offer to the first 10 mom's who register. Simply send me an email with Mother's Day Camp in the subject line

1 comment:

connie villiers furze said...

how cute!!!! I want more videooooo!!!!
thanks for sharing this special step with us!!!
Happy mother's day to you too!