Monday, May 25, 2009

My Memorial Day Workout


I Hope you had a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday weekend... I know I did!

I definitely had my share of 'indulgences', but I also managed to squeeze in a 'kicka*s workout this morning, as I wanted to enjoy my bar-b-que and beer guilt free.

I personally did this workout this morning, and besides leaving me in totally EXHAUSTED it took less than 20 minutes to complete; I'm all about efficiency!

Want to see what I did?

Check it out below.

Enjoy and train Hard,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. The Synergize 60 Day 'Beach Body' Challenge begins June 8th. I haven't finalized all the details. but if you might be interested visit and get on my EarlyBird list, so you'll be the FIRST to receive the details once they are released this week

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