Friday, January 9, 2009

5 Tips to Transform Your Body In Record Time

We are 9 days into the NEW Year!

What have you done towards making your New Year's Resolution a reality,
rather just another empty promise you make, as on cue, at the beginning
of every year?

To assist you in getting started in reaching your weight loss and fitness goals I've prepared a brief video series, each addressing one of the '5 Tips to Transforming Your Body In Record Time'.

I will be giving a live presentaion of this material 'how to transform your body in warp speed in 2009...Guaranteed' on Saturday, January 10th at 12:30PM at the Synergize! studio (1200 North Federal Highway)

Details are at

Enjoy the video and I hope to see you on Saturday,

Tip #1- Transforming Your Body In Record Time in 2009...Guaranteed

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Maximize Your Metabolism Nutrition Program Launches January 19th

I've seen clients train HARD day in and day out, and achieve minimal results because their nutritional plan was completely off track.

Many of you have the exercise portion of your program 'on point', but are seriously 'slacking' in the nutrition department.

So the bottom line is this:

If you want serious RESULTS you absolutely MUST get your nutrition program 'in shape'

For this reason, Synergize is launching a MAXIMIZE YOUR METABOLISM nutrition and weight management program to assist you in reaching your goals.

Watch this brief video clip from Melinda Lohman, a Synergize! client, who just went through the 30 day 'pilot' Maximize Your Metabolism program.

Hear what she has to say about the program and stay tuned for your January 'snail mail' newsletter which will have further details about the program.

FANatically committed to your success,


Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year's Resolution Trap

New Year's never fails to evoke feelings of hope and renewal, but is it really a trap?

You've been handed a proverbial clean slate - another chance to shrug off your bad habits and reach for your dreams.

In an attempt to bottle that New Year's vigor, you'll make a few New Year's Resolutions. But before you put pen to paper, you ought to know this: It has been reported that 92 % of all New Year's Resolutions end in failure.

That means that less than 1 out of every 10 people will successful accomplish their resolutions in 2009.

Ouch - those statistics are brutal.

Who in their right mind would take the time to make resolutions when failure is that imminent?

As your trusted source for fitness advice, I'd like to coach you though this sticky situation. Yes, most people fail to achieve their New Year's Resolutions. However, I am going to clue you in on what the 92% do wrong and teach you what the 8% who succeed do right.

First up, the 92% who failed. These well meaning folks shared a common mistake that put the nail in their coffin before they'd even begun.

They bit off more than they could chew. In all the excitement of becoming a better person and changing their life in the New Year they made the crucial mistake of committing to do too much.

But reality set in, a few weeks or even days into their reformed life, and they gave up. The 92% gave themselves an easy way out. They approached their resolution with an 'all or nothing' attitude. Once the 'all' became too tough they opted for 'nothing'. And just like that another resolution ended in failure - end of story.

Now let's examine the 8% who succeed with their resolutions year after year. The key to their success is quite simple (you may have even guessed it by now). They set realistic goals. I'll repeat that... they set REALISTIC goals.

Instead of resolving to lose 50 pounds by June, they commit to exercise 3-4 times each week.
Instead of resolving to give up all carbs, they commit to bring healthy snacks to work instead eating from the vending machine.

Instead of resolving to drop 3 sizes in 3 months, they commit to losing 1 pound each week until they reach their desired size.

Instead of resolving to never eat out again, they commit to eating healthy all week and rewarding themselves with one meal out on the weekends.

Did you see the difference? If you want your resolution to stick then think of something simple and realistic.

Sure, it certainly won't sound as cool as the resolutions that the 92% make - but they aren't going to keep theirs anyway. Remember that the whole point of making a New Year's Resolution is to become a healthier, happier and more successful person.

Small changes done consistently will make a big difference. If your New Year's Resolution has to do with losing weight and getting into great shape (and whose isn't?) then guarantee your success by working with a fitness expert who can show you the ropes and guide you to success.

I'd love to team up with you - together we will transform your body in 2009! Call or email to get started today.

Shondelle Solomon-Miles

The shape up Hollywood 12-week transformation begins Monday january 19th. Check out the details at