Thursday, July 30, 2009

3 Best Exercises For A Flat Tummy

Part 1

Part 2

Join the Synergize Bootcamp-A-Thon. Unlimited bootcamp classes for you and a friend from August 3-August 28th, for just $100 bucks!

Go HERE to register

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sonia Tigero: From Size XXX to Size 12?

Sonia Tigero: From Size XXX to Size 12?

Inspiring story huh?

If you're ready to be our next success story and
not only change your body, but change your life
then Click HERE to schedule a FREE, no obligation consultation
with your truly.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain-excpet pounds of course;)

Committed to your health and fitness success,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And the Winners of the Hollywood Best Body Challenge Are...

This past weekend we concluded the first Hollywood Best Body 12-week Challnge. To say the least, it was quite a success! Those participants who completed the 12-weeks and were consistent with the program received exceptional results as documented below. Check out just a few of the 12-week before and after pics below, two of which include the 1st place and 2nd place winners.

Our next Hollywood Best Body Challenge begins this Saturday, July 18th. So if you would like a chance to participate in the next 12-week Challenge and receive similar (or even better) results visit Now! There are 11 spots available

The grand prize winner Chantal Furhman, 19 years old, received a crusier Bike from Lee's Bike Shop, a makeover from Hair Industry, and a $100 gift certificate from Hollywood Eyes

Chantal Fuhrman, Best Body Challenge Grand Prize Winner


After 12-Weeks

Sue Carlozzi, 2nd Prize Winner

Sue Carlozzi After 12-weeks

Michael Carlozzi Before

Michael Carlozzi After 12-Weeks

Gary Postler Before

Gary Postler After 12-weeks

Barbara Dolan-Before

Barbara Dolan-After the 12-Week Challenge

Now, if you're thinking 'these transformations don't look like the ones I see in the magazines', its because these are REAL life transformation and not camera enhanced 'hype' trying to get you to purchase the next 'magic pill'.

Are you ready to become our next success story?

Visit and claim one of the 11 remaining spots. I'll see you Saturday!

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. once you regsiter by downloading the 12-week guide you will receive an email with details about the 12-week challenge.