Monday, March 23, 2009

This IS The Key To Rapid Fat Loss

Lately I've been boasting on Facebook about the kick a** workouts we've been doing at Synergize!

I don't brag or create these workouts to reveal my masochistic side ;) but rather because I understand that it takes Hard Core intensity to transform your body.


If it was easy, everyone would have their dream body right?

Synergize! ladies burn at least 500 calories during one of these workouts, and that doesn't include the hundreds of calories they are burning after their workout, and throughout the rest of their day.


The key to serious, jaw dropping body transformation results and rapid fat loss, is not how many calories you burn during your workout, but how many calories you continue to burn AFTER your workout.

The higher the intensity the MORE calories you burn AFTER your workout.

In fact studies show that your metabolism can stay elevated up to48 hours after a workout like the one you are about to see.

This is why walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes while reading a magazine or talking on your cell phone is alomost a complete waste of time.

Here's the bottom line:

If you want BIG TIME results you MUST give BIG TIME effort.

If you're walking on a treadmill while reading a amgazine and expect to see any
serious results, you are not only fooling yourself,
but you are wasting your time.

As the saying goes you reap what you sow.

Check out the video below and see how the Synergize! women 'sow', and when you're ready to get serious about changing your body, call or email me to schedule your FREE consultation and training session.

Train HARD,

Shondelle Solomon

P.S. Our programs cater to ALL fitness levels and all ages (our oldest client is 73), so don't be intimidate dby the video or think this is NOT for fact it's probably EXACTLY what you need!.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME video Shondelle!!!
LOVE the wheelbarrow work!! keep on rockin'


laura shellswick lerner said...

This workout was so fun today. When I got home I felt great and didn't really feel like I worked-out, it was more like "The Strongest Woman Competition!" Keep up the creative ideas for us, they keep us coming back for more.
