Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is America is in Denial About What to Eat for Dinner?

Is America in Denial About What to Eat for Dinner?

Americans have grown fatter and sicker than ever. People don't move, they eat poorly, and in many ways seem unwilling do do much about it. And as the crisis worsens, we seem to grow ever more confused about how we got here, and every more polarized about setting things right.

There is a quote from one of the experts in the movie, "Supersize Me" where the scientist makes the point that back in the 1800s, people wished for a constant supply of food that was easy to access and plentiful. Well, be careful what you wish for the old expression goes...Because we have that endless supply now, and our culture doesn't look so good.

Not only have we become as unhealthy as ever, but the confusion that's now present about what to do about it seems to feed people's denial about needing to take some action. When people are confused about what to do, action stops. People are also busier than ever, so it becomes easier to eat lots of packaged and processed food, sit behind the desk, and complain about our growing waistlines.

Let me give you an example of how far out of shape the confusion has become...

I've had more than one client tell me that they are actually afraid of potatoes. This mostly a result of their understanding that too many simple carbs are bad for them, which is true. But here are the facts about potatoes (a whole food)...

It's a better choice than anything you'll get in a package, and if you eat it with the skin, the round little thing contains as much fiber as outmeal, only packs 150 calories (if it's not one of those giant ones), and contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. If you had a complex carb like broccoli on top, you're doing even better, because the complex carb on top slows down the digestive process even more, adds more nutrients and helps you get closer to your greens goal for the day.

There are literally countless ways to balance the equation in your favor. The energy balance equation that is. If you burn more than you take in on a regular basis, you're going to lose weight, increase your energy level, and live a better healthier life. It really is that simple, until you attempt to wade through all of the evidence and recommendations.

For now, I'll leave you with just a few simple suggestions for more healthful eating. If you're a current client, you've heard this stuff before, but I know it's worth repeating. If you're not a client yet, I encourage you to give me a call so that we can discuss how we can apply these strategies to your individual needs and get you living a better healthier life starting now!

Here are the strategies:

1. Stop eating Junk! Including those big giant pretzels with cheese I see people eating at the concession stands and pretty much everything else you might find there. It's all junk! By giving up junk for whole foods, you can shed hundreds of calories per day. OK good, you're already heading in the right direction.

2. Eat vegetables in abundance. There isn't a diet guru on earth who disagrees with this. You just don't hear it often enough because the advertising budgets for big food companies are in the billions while the "5 A Day for Better Health" campaign put out a few years back for example only had a million or so. Only about 1 in 4 adults eats their vegetables. I guess it starts as a kid and never improves. That's a shame.

3. Drink a lot of water. Often when you feel hungry, you're actually just thirsty. Water of course has no calories so simply making sure to stay hydrated will help you shed some extra calories for the day.

4. Prevent the excess.

5. Learn to be a little hungry from time to time, especially at night before you go to bed

6. Eat a great, well balanced breakfast every day.

Yes, of course there are more strategies, but if you simply stuck to these you would be doing better than most of the rest of the population, especially if you pushed that chair back from behind your desk, stood up, put your coat on and went for a walk once a day!