Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holiday Season Butt Blaster Workout

I know with the holiday season you're really busy, and probably not making the time to
squeeze in your workouts.

No worries, over the next three weeks I will be putting together some workout videos for you,
so that you can squeeze in you workout when you only have 10 minutes to break a sweat.

the best part is,you don't need a gym membership, or even any equipment to follow along

All you need is your body, a bottle of water and a towel to wipe the sweat.
This week's workout focuses on the lower body and next week I'll be putting together
an abdominal workout that will have your abs on 'fire'.

So, be sure to check out my blog again on Monday for your next 'Holiday Season'+ workout.

Enjoy and Get Lean,

Shondelle Solomon-Miles aka Coach

P.S. The 12week Shape Up Hollywood 12-Week Body challenge begins Monday, January 19th.
Last year we had over 50 'competitors, and our winner Sonia Tigero has lost nearly 100 pounds to date.

Stay tuned for details on early registration, as with New Year's resolution goals, this program will sell out very quickly.